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Indoor Air Quality Program

Indoor Air Quality Program

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management Plan

The health, comfort, and learning environment of students and staff are important aspects of Bolton Public School's mission. Working with EPA and their IAQ Tools for Schools Program, we developed an IAQ Management Plan that will help monitor and improve the quality of air in school buildings. The objectives of this IAQ Management Plan are:

  • Reduce the levels of indoor air pollutants through preventive measure such as routine maintenance activities, periodic building evaluations and inspections, and IAQ-specific policies.
  • Provide and maintain adequate airflow by repairing and maintaining ventilation equipment, which will promote a comfortable and healthy learning and working environment.
  • Respond to IAQ-related concerns and problems in a prompt and thorough manner, and effectively communicate the progress of investigations and their resolution to all interested parties.


Tools for Schools Checklists – Bolton Center School

Tools for Schools Checklists – Bolton High School

CT Department of Health Tools for Schools Information  

Environmental Protection Agency's information regarding Creating Indoor Air Quality in Schools can be found here